Friday, 22 August 2008

What is being a “good” teacher?

We all know what a teacher is, her roles in school and in the classroom. After all, we’ve all had at least one in our educational life. Yet, what is being a “good” teacher?
I’ve asked my own students, and they all agree a good teacher is someone who knows about the subject she is teaching, but also a human being who should care about them. A person who gets the trouble to get to know her students and is willing to help them become better persons. I must admit I agree with them.
If we consider Rita’s tutor, Frank, so far I believe he is a good teacher because not only does he show to have knowledge of literature, but he also seems to have a great capacity to adapt himself to Rita’s ways. For instance, he answers Rita’s personal questions with great enthusiasm and patience, but never does he lose track of the main objective which is Rita’s final exam to get her degree.
So, next time I’m asked what being a good teacher means, I’ll say it’s a human being who has been trained to be a teacher, but also someone who cares about her students, who is patient and capable of adapting herself to her students´ different ways of learning.
By Miriam Rodriguez


Gladys Baya said...

Are you familiar with Van Lier's "areas for teacher development", Miriam? He talks about "having" (knowledge and resources, "doing" (skills and abilities to construct learning opportunities)and "being" (personal qualities, vision and sense of mission).

I can only wish you, and all teachers a balanced professional development!!!


Miriam Rodriguez said...

No, I´ve never heard about it, but it sounds as if I had known before posting because it´s just what I wanted to say!